首页 > V > volcanos怎么读,volcanos什么意思,volcanos短语和例句


收录时间:2022-09-05 13:18:15


英 美 
  • n. 火山(volcano 的复数)

volcanos 常用句子

1.At Jupiter, the charged particles come mostly from a different source: the volcanos of Io.


2.Korea was basically destroyed due to significant Earthquakes, new volcanos followed by the tidal bore.


3.Evidence collected by the spacecraft on Mars shows some present volcanic action, though the volcanos are believed to be dormant if not extinct.


4."Chaos, "fury", "The embodiment of elemental rage, such as found in erupting volcanos or shattering earthquakes", "elemental fury", "catastrophe".

“混乱”“狂怒”,“元素肆虐的具现化,比如被用于火山爆发或者大地震”,“元素之怒”,“大灾变”。 经常被用来指代黑龙死亡之翼。

5.Dormant as they are, the volcanos in Tengchong are likely to erupt at any time. However, the local people just live with them peacefully instead of being frightened.


6.As tectonic stretching is not a release of stress or tension, trapped lava exploded upwards through volcanos. Volcanic fallout was a substantial problem for nearly a decade after the shift.


7.When large volcanos erupt, they just burst times of particles into the atmosphere, then the particle reflect like light.


8.Evidence of this is the molten lava that flows out of volcanos, but we still not sure what the source of the heat is.


9.That's why we get a string of separate volcanos, rather than a continuous line.
