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收录时间:2022-08-24 13:36:08


英 美 
  • n. [计]分位数;分位点(quantile 的复数形式)

quantiles 常用句子

1.The Bahadur representations for this quantile estimator are established in order to derive asymptotic properties of the sequential fixed-width confidence intervals estimation for quantiles.


2.The Bahadur representations for this quantile estimator are established in order to derive asymptotic properties of the sequential fixed-width confidence intervals estimation for quantiles.


3.In this paper, the preferences on stochastic payoffs are defined by quantiles, and the Nash equilibrium of the bimatrix game with stochastic payoffs is given base on the preferences.


4.There already exist Median, Quartiles and Tenth quantile etc. Based on this, the authors put out the concept and (calculation) method for tri-sectional quantiles in this article.


5.The theory of quantile regression, Copula quantile regression, extremal quantiles and applications of quantile regression in many fields are discussed in this paper.


6.This parameter controls the number of quantiles that will be collected when the WITH DISTRIBUTION option is specified on the RUNSTATS command.


7.Quantile regression is a basic tool for estimating conditional quantiles of a response variable Y given a vector of regressors X.

分位数回归是给定 回归变量X,估计响应变量Y条件分位数的一个基本方法。

8.We assign a likelihood (high, medium or low; percentage points; statistical quantiles) to various events we are concerned about.


9.In the end, the average, variance and quantiles of profit margin of drugstores are obtained from survey data.


10.You can specify the number of frequent values and quantiles on the RUNSTATS command.
