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收录时间:2022-08-24 12:49:05


英 [skɑː]美 [skɑː]
  • n. 斯卡(牙买加的一种流行音乐)

ska 常用句子

1.Since building a dish that size is impossible, the SKA plans to use around 50, 000 smaller receivers networked together into a single monstrous machine.


2.This is the data amount anticipated when the SKA system as the world's largest and most sensitive radio telescope will be ready; it's construction will start in 2016.


3.The SKA will join the hunt for gravitational waves, ripples in the structure of space predicted by Albert Einstein’s generalrelativity.


4.Main goal of the SKA project is to perform unprecedented observation of radio sources using a network of dishes and aerials spread over Australia and New Zealand or through Southern Africa.


5.The SKA will be built in the southern hemisphere with South Africa and Australia currently vying for the right to host the project.


6.However, the epileptic seizure induced by SKA showed obvious stages, regular pattern and action steady. In addition, SKA caused lower fatality than KA did.


7.IBM's software is built for the SKA telescope (Square Kilometre Array) and allows to automatically classify astronomical objects.


8.What is different about the SKA is the sheer scale.

平方公里列阵(SKA)所不同的是转向刻度(sheer scale)。