首页 > P > punchier怎么读,punchier什么意思,punchier短语和例句


收录时间:2022-09-08 13:03:48


英 美 
  • 强而有力的
  • 因受拳击而脑部昏沉的(punchy 的比较级)

punchier 常用句子

1.Consider that last sentence: “Indeed, tighter, punchier prose will improve the quality of your exposition.”

看刚才最后一句话:“精简有力的文章确实能够提高表达能力(Indeed,tighter,punchier prosewill improvethequalityofyourexposition)”。

2.Consider that last sentence: “Indeed, tighter, punchier prose will improve the quality of your exposition.”

看刚才最后一句话:“精简有力的文章确实能够提高表达能力(Indeed,tighter,punchier prosewill improvethequalityofyourexposition)”。

3.The ChiNext is even punchier, on a price to earnings ratio of 45, its highest level since 2010.


4."Tighter, punchier prose improves your writing." (better)?

“简洁有力让写作更好(Tighter,punchier proseimprovesyour writing)”(好点了吧)?