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收录时间:2022-09-08 10:07:53


英 美 
  • v. 强调;重读;带着……口音讲话(accent 的 ing 形式)

accenting 常用句子

1.Choose ea few sentences from your reading material and highlight content words. Read these sentences focusing on accenting these content words, while quickly speaking over the structure words.


2.Hand drawn elements can be seen in navigation bars, as backgrounds, as accenting elements, or as an entire site theme.


3.We children called her Oma, accenting both syllables.


4.With the planet of focus, Saturn accenting these until next April, previous indecisiveness vanishes, replaced by a new determination on your part and, perhaps, an urgent need to take action.


5.Yet with Jupiter accenting new, and ultimately worthwhile, alterations in your work and lifestyle, you'll soon be exploring options that only recently you'd have imagined beyond your reach.


6.The architectural project fits seamlessly into the environment while accenting the highly visible quality of a public facility and its centrality as a gathering point and meeting place.
