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收录时间:2022-09-08 09:57:04


英 [rɪˈkluːʒən]美 [rɪˈkluːʒən]
  • n. 隐居;幽禁

reclusion 常用句子

1.Bai Juyi always lingered in contradiction of being an official and reclusion from being an official in his earlier years to his stranding a loof from worldly affairs in his later years.


2.Bai Juyi always lingered in contradiction of being an official and reclusion from being an official in his earlier years to his stranding a loof from worldly affairs in his later years.


3.Section Two analyzes the theme choice of his poetry from three directions of emotional sigh, the painfulness of losing family and homeland as well as the feeling of reclusion.


4.The paper gives a comprehensive investigation into its modernity from the perspective of both poems of reclusion in the Tang Dynasty and history of interpretation.


5.The great painter Huang Gongwang was good at syncretizing poems and paintings, while the poem monk Qing Gong mainly wrote about reclusion and landscape.


6.The "official reclusion" reflects and summarizes some important concepts of the ancient Chinese scholars' life styles and their ideas about life.
