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收录时间:2022-09-07 13:44:15


英 [sæs]美 [sæs]
  • n. 船闸;水闸

sasse 常用句子

1.Two other Republicans, Senators James Lankford of Oklahoma and Ben Sasse of Nebraska, reacted to the news as if they had been presented with their sixth choice on a lunch menu of 10 items.

另外两名共和党人,俄克拉何马州参议员詹姆斯兰克·福德(JamesLankford)和内布拉斯加州参议员本·萨瑟(Ben Sasse)对这个新闻的反应,就好像是午餐菜单上有10个菜,而端上的是他们优选顺序中的第六个菜。

2.Two other Republicans, Senators James Lankford of Oklahoma and Ben Sasse of Nebraska, reacted to the news as if they had been presented with their sixth choice on a lunch menu of 10 items.

另外两名共和党人,俄克拉何马州参议员詹姆斯兰克·福德(JamesLankford)和内布拉斯加州参议员本·萨瑟(Ben Sasse)对这个新闻的反应,就好像是午餐菜单上有10个菜,而端上的是他们优选顺序中的第六个菜。

3."The answer is simple: No," Sasse wrote.
