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收录时间:2022-09-07 13:24:20


英 [səˈveɪl]美 [səˈveɪl]
  • vt. 使受监视;对……实施监视
[ 第三人称单数 surveils 现在分词 surveilling 过去式 surveilled 过去分词 surveilled ]

surveil 常用句子

1.Computer Surveil and control system (CSCS) is a layer-distributed system, with which the CSCS connects all local control units which are placed in the unit control room into a computer network.


2.Computer Surveil and control system (CSCS) is a layer-distributed system, with which the CSCS connects all local control units which are placed in the unit control room into a computer network.


3.Objective: to surveil the individual dose that the X-ray doctors received from radiation, evaluate and analyse the effect of preventing radiation and the affecting factors.


4.So the epidemiological surveil-lance of Legionnaires' disease in animals, as well as in environment (water and soil)is of importance for the prevention inman.


5.A project principal shall use the funds as required in the project plan, and a supporting institution shall surveil the project principal's use of the funds.


6.The department includes the monitoring of imported fish for the presence of malachite green in its food surveil lance programme.


7.Coordinate or establish a disease and nutritional surveil - lance system and collect data as necessary.


8.Amadou says Niger needs aerial surveil lance good intelligence and information.
