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收录时间:2022-09-07 10:54:17


英 [ʌnˈspiːkəbli]美 [ʌnˈspiːkəbli]
  • adv. 无法形容地;说不出地

unspeakably 常用句子

1.But in a matter of months in 2003 everything turned unspeakably grim.


2.A person sitting in a small living room bed "reading" for a long time, suffer unspeakably!


3.The Death Star was the code name of an unspeakably powerful and horrific weapon developed by the Empire.


4.BUT let me be clear: I am unspeakably lucky. Had my diagnosis come even three or four months later, my prognosis would have been much, much darker.

此刻我要明确澄清的是:我真是无比幸运,假如晚3 -4个月知道诊断结果的话,或许医生对病情的预断更不明朗了。

5.In his photographs of gas stations, diners and cemeteries he found a beauty so simple but commonplace it was often overlooked, so unspeakably true but poignant it was rarely acknowledged.


6.The court was destined, said one campaigner for its creation, to "save millions of humans from suffering unspeakably horrible and inhumane death."
