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收录时间:2022-09-06 12:38:16


英 美 
  • v. 放牧(牲畜);(动物)吃草(pasture 的现在分词)

pasturing 常用短语

put out to pasture放牧

pasture land牧场

pasturing 常用句子

1.The grassland pasturing area is a special region for agricultural production in China, and geographical position and natural conditions endow it with unique resources advantages.


2.But everyone has the right to use it, to benefit from it by working, farming, or pasturing.


3.He's pasturing his cattle on the top meadow.


4.Samples from two suspected anthrax outbreaks caused by slaughtering infected cattle, died from illness, in pasturing area of Qinghai Province in 2008 were isolated to detected Bacillus anthracis.

目的 2008年青海省牧区发生2起牧民宰杀病死牛引起的疑似炭疽疫情,采集样品做炭疽杆菌分离鉴定。

5.It is applicable to pasturing areas and semi-agricultural and semi-pasturing areas, silkworm areas.


6.Pasturing Donkeys, a bassoon tune from central Hebei, is typical of the northern style.

流行于冀中地区的大管子曲《放驴》,具有浓郁的北方音乐风格。 收藏。

7.Pulling duck for sale:Ropes are tied to the neck of the ducks just as pasturing cattle in order not to lose.


8.It is the most important fruit of settlement, and is also the most prominent achievement in pasturing area of China, especially in that of Xinjiang, in the end of the 20th century.
