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收录时间:2022-09-06 09:43:55


英 [ˈfʌsɪŋ]美 [ˈfʌsɪŋ]
  • v. 烦躁;大惊小怪;发牢骚(fuss 的 ing 形式)

fussing 常用短语

fuss about大惊小怪;忙乱

make a fuss大惊小怪,小题大做;吵吵闹闹

fussing 常用句子

1.She stomped around the kitchen growling and kicking and all of a sudden she started fussing again, "of all them old men I could got, I get you!"


2.Do you spend a lot of time looking in the mirror and fussing about your looks?

你会花很多时间面对镜子,对于你的容颜大惊小怪吗? ?

3.The point of a style upgrade isn't to become more vain or to spend more time fussing over what to wear.


4.Janice: : Stop fussing! It is said that the training is important for our newcomers. And my company also informs me to attend the training next week.

贾尼斯:别大惊小怪。我觉得培训对我们新员工来说至关重要。我们公司也通知我下周去接受员工培训。 。

5."I said, wondering why someone more practical than superstitious would be fussing over such a thing."


6.Once a passenger really objected to having a woman driver, and I laughed at him so much that he stopped his fussing.


7.Their son wanted to go together with her. He made a row, crying and fussing without stop.


8.There's no fussing about when pressing cups in and out on the M9, it's simple and easy to do.
