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收录时间:2022-09-05 11:41:21


英 [ˈtraɪdnt]美 [ˈtraɪdnt]
  • n. 三叉戟;[数] 三叉线;三齿鱼叉

trident 常用句子

1.Once Trident-based browsers lose more than 15-20% share, web compatibility usually stops becoming an issue.

一旦基于Trident的浏览器损失超过15- 20%的市场份额,网页的兼容就不是一个问题了。

2.The design and calculation combined bricks in trident of main and round hot blast pipes on b.


3.You can use Trident, an IE browser engine, to create "new" browsers such as maxthon.

可以使用Trident (IE浏览器引擎)创建“新”的浏览器,例如Maxthon。

4.Guests were checking in at the Trident, with about 100 of the 550 rooms booked out.


5.Trident manufactures photocopies, which they sell in bulk to retailers and large organizations.


6.All these works laid a good foundation for pattern recognition of palm print characteristics, especially at the palm trident point.


7.The firm makes Dairy Milk chocolate, Trident gum and Creme Eggs and has long been seen as a takeover target.

吉百利公司目前的产品包括Dairy Milk牌牛奶巧克力、Trident口香糖及奶油鸡蛋(CremeEggs)巧克力,长期以来一直被视为收购目标。

8.Cleared to the holding point for runway 03 via the Trident apron.
