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收录时间:2022-09-05 11:38:53


英 [ˈwɪʃbəʊn]美 [ˈwɪʃbəʊn]
  • n. 叉骨;如愿骨; Y 字型的东西
[ 复数 wishbones ]

wishbone 常用句子

1.The LAE Series electric power clamp is light weight and USES a wishbone style arm.


2.According to the superstition, if two people break apart a "wishbone" of a chicken or turkey, the person who gets the longer half of the wishbone will have his or her wish come true.

迷信说法之许愿骨 有迷信认为如果两人一起扯许愿骨(通常为鸡或火鸡的叉骨),谁扯到较长的一段,谁的愿望就能成真。

3.This objection was reasonable when only early theropod clavicles had been discovered, but fossilized theropod clavicles that look just like the wishbone of Archaeopteryx have now been unearthed.


4.Introduced in this paper is a method to calculate the roll center height with an iteration method for a double wishbone suspension with a simple structure.


5.The special difficulties lie in the implementation of the burst transmission of the AHB bus, and the supporting of the mutual access between multiple AHB and multiple WISHBONE.


6.This paper based on the mechanism of DDR-SDRAM, gave a way to construct a DDR-SDRAM controller based on WISHBONE bus protocol, and also introduced a forecast method to improve DDR's performance.


7.Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be.
