首页 > E > ecosphere怎么读,ecosphere什么意思,ecosphere短语和例句


收录时间:2022-09-04 12:45:05


英 [ˈiːkəʊˌsfɪə]美 [ˈiːkəʊˌsfɪə]
  • n. (地球或其他行星上的)生物圈;生态圈,生态层(指理论上可供生物生存的宇宙空间)

ecosphere 常用句子

1.Financial ecosphere should not be confused with financial eco-environment. The former can reveal and portray the interdependence and mutual prerequisite among all constitutions in financial system.


2.Financial ecosphere should not be confused with financial eco-environment. The former can reveal and portray the interdependence and mutual prerequisite among all constitutions in financial system.


3.Humic substances, the most widespread organic compounds in nature, account for 50 ~ 80 percent of the total organic compounds in the soil, hydrosphere and ecosphere.

腐殖物质(主要组成为腐殖酸)是自然界中分布最为广泛的有机质,占土壤、水圈、生态系统中总有机质含量的50 ~ 80%。

4.Aesthetic field is the ecosphere of virtuous operating circle of aesthetic appreciation criticism research and creation activities.


5.Your ecosphere is strongly rebelling, and Mother Earth requires that you depart her surface soon to get cracking your new homes in the beauteous 5-d world that is Inner Earth.


6.We do not have an ecological crisis. the ecosphere has a human crisis.
