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收录时间:2022-09-04 12:00:16


英 [ˌɒnˈləʊd]美 [ˌɒnˈləʊd]
  • v. 装载;输入,装入(文件)

onload 常用句子

1.This is shown in Listing 13, along with my page's onload function.

清单13展示了这一过程,以及页面的onload 函数。

2.You can run this by putting it into the onLoad handler of your page's body element, like this


3.When the page is first loaded (onLoad event), the request handler is registered with the Ajax engine.


4.You can use the onload event handler to test that specific fields (on which the update panel depends) are populated.


5.Also note the onload attribute: This is called when the SVG document is first loaded and is useful for performing initialisation on your SVG.


6.In addition to timestamping your domain class, you can tap into four event hooks: beforeInsert, befortUpdate, beforeDelete, and onLoad.

除了给域类添加时间戳,还可以引入4 个事件挂钩:beforeInsert、befortUpdate、beforeDelete和onload。

7.onLoad — This function is where you place initialization code.

onLoad — 在此函数中放置初始化代码。

8.The first block contains the event handler to initialize the application (onload) and the initialization of the database, as shown in Listing 3.
