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收录时间:2022-09-01 13:56:15


英 [ˈpenʃənəbl]美 [ˈpenʃənəbl]
  • adj. 有资格领退休金的;可领退休金的

pensionable 常用句子

1.The retirement age will have risen to 70 by the time people reach pensionable age.


2.As pensionable age approaches, men's waists shrink, allowing them to lower the height of their trousers.


3.It's also not good news for those in their fifties as three-quarters are confident the retirement age will have risen to 70 by the time they reach pensionable age.


4."Introducing an automatic adjustment that increases the pensionable age in line with future gains in life expectancy... represents a promising policy option," the commission argues.


5."Introducing an automatic adjustment that increases the pensionable age in line with future gains in life expectancy... represents a promising policy option," the commission argues.


6.Entitlements can be cut back, most obviously by raising pensionable ages.


7.Nearing pensionable age, he was officially rehabilitated and was finally in a stable and legal relationship - with a 16-year-old girl.
