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收录时间:2022-09-01 09:38:10


英 [maɪˈnjuːʃiiː;maɪˈnjuːʃiaɪ]美 [maɪˈnjuːʃiiː;maɪˈnjuːʃiaɪ]
  • n. 微小;不重要的细节(minutia 的复数)

minutiae 常用句子

1.His work is about creating order where we expect to find randomness, and also hints that the minutiae all around us is capable of communicating much larger ideas.


2.Many of them had made themselves easy targets by concentrating too much on the financial minutiae of future plans rather than looking at the broader picture.


3.Using this model, the position and direction of the minutiae can be readjusted and thus the performance of the matching can be enhanced.


4.These dates, normally dry minutiae in a banker's diary, are as eagerly awaited as national holidays in some parts of China.


5.What this study demonstrates very neatly is just how sensitive we are to the minutiae of social interactions.


6.But most men and women are so bogged down with the day-to-day minutiae of striving to survive they do not savor the wonders of being alive.
