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收录时间:2022-08-31 13:40:13


英 [ˌbaɪˈmʌnθli]美 [ˌbaɪˈmʌnθli]
  • adj. 两月一次的;每月两次的
  • n. 双月刊
  • adv. 隔月地;一月两次地
[ 复数 bimonthlies ]

bimonthly 常用句子

1.The People’s Bank of China and the FED have met in various occasions to discuss relevant issues. The bimonthly meeting held by Bank for International Settlements is one of those channels.


2.There are also some women are bimonthly ovulation.


3.The food habits of 256 Anguilla japonica sampled monthly or bimonthly in 1987 from Qiulu stream in Parian county in Fujian province were stu- died in this experiment.


4.The Federal Reserve has contemplated on QE2 for some time, and the PBC and the Fed had communications on a number of occasions, including the regular bimonthly BIS meeting.


5."Collectors are going after A-level material, " John Smiroldo, founder and publisher of Antiques and Fine Art, a bimonthly magazine based in Watertown, Mass., said of the auction and show scenes.

“收集者们一般都在A等级材料售出以后才出手。”John Siroldo——马萨诸塞州沃特墩城的半月刊《杂志古董与艺术》的创世纪人兼出版商在展览会上展示了这一场景。

6."Collectors are going after A-level material, " John Smiroldo, founder and publisher of Antiques and Fine Art, a bimonthly magazine based in Watertown, Mass., said of the auction and show scenes.

“收集者们一般都在A等级材料售出以后才出手。”John Siroldo——马萨诸塞州沃特墩城的半月刊《杂志古董与艺术》的创世纪人兼出版商在展览会上展示了这一场景。

7.I use my bimonthly weigh-in results to get information about my nutrition as well.


8.But there are thousands of weekly, monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly journals on topics ranging from gardening to pop music.


9.This journal is bimonthly, and that one quarterly.

