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收录时间:2022-08-31 10:01:22


英 [priːˈfrʌnt(ə)l]美 [priːˈfrʌnt(ə)l]
  • adj. [解剖] 前额的;额叶前部的
  • n. [解剖] 额前骨

prefrontal 常用短语

prefrontal cortex前额皮质

prefrontal 常用句子

1.The fMRI data indicate that these gains were the result of information being processed more quickly and efficiently through the prefrontal cortex.


2.In the brain, prefrontal areas, which help regulate emotion, can relax, freeing them for another of their primary purposes: problem solving.


3.Stress, Thompson explains, impairs our ability to use our prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that organizes, plans and processes information.

汤普森解释说,压力削弱了我们使用前额皮质的能力。 前额皮质是大脑组织、计划和处理信息的部分。

4.Networks of neurons in the prefrontal cortex generate persistent firing to keep information "in mind" even in the absence of cues from the environment.


5.Previous studies have found that the prefrontal cortex is not activated when people interact with inanimate objects, such as a computer game.


6.On MRI scans, white spots showed up in the prefrontal cortex.


7.The nap before learning may help clear out the hippocampus and send the data on to the prefrontal cortex, allowing new information to soak in, Walker says.
