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收录时间:2022-08-30 10:42:22


英 [aɪˈkɒnɪfaɪ]美 [aɪˈkɒnɪfaɪ]
  • v. 图符化,图标化;将(文件窗口)最小化

iconify 常用句子

1.If you find you need to combine states, like if you want to iconify a frame but preserve its current maximized state, you would use a vertical bar (|) to combine multiple states.


2.If you find you need to combine states, like if you want to iconify a frame but preserve its current maximized state, you would use a vertical bar (|) to combine multiple states.


3.While Sun added the ability to programmatically iconify the frame in version 1.2, you still couldn't hide the title bar or maximize a frame.

虽然Sun在版本 1.2 中添加了通过编程将Frame 图标化的功能,您仍然无法隐藏Titlebar或将Frame 最大化。

4.Download and install xwit, and execute the command xwit -iconify to ensure that the program is working.

下载并安装xwit,然后执行xwit -iconify命令以确保程序运行正常(这将使当前窗口最小化)。

5.One of the nice Eclipse features that are available here is the ability to iconify this perspective.


6.With iConify, you can generate all these images straight from your PSD files.


7.Creation of raise, lower, and iconify sequences.


8.Just drag files onto to iConify.
