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收录时间:2022-08-29 11:39:31


英 [ˈætəmɪzəm]美 [ˈætəmɪzəm]
  • n. [物] 原子论

atomism 常用句子

1.It is clear, however, that Epicurus' real interest was not in speculative metaphysics but with a practical philosophy of life which required atomism only for its theoretical underpinnings.


2.In ancient times, entity concept of society mainly displays as holism, in modern times, entity concept of society displays as atomism and organism concept.


3.After synthesizing previous philosophers 'principle thoughts of atomism and idealism, Aristotle put forward the concept of substance definitely for the first time and gave a classic explanation of it.


4.As a philosopher, and his thinking roughly experienced the absolute idealism, logic Atomism, new realism, such as whether a neutral several stages.


5.This reduces the idea of interpretive community to a kind of atomism whereby we all concede and all say, "Yes, it's true. I am in a certain sense a community."


6.Western Agronomy is based on atomism and observes things by the way of experiment.


7.They propose to replace the atomism, reductionism, objectivity, determinism and quantati tive study with holism, constructionism, deobjectification, problematicism and qua litative study.
