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收录时间:2022-08-28 14:06:03


英 美 
  • 使结盟
  • 排列(aligh 的第三人称单数形式)

aligns 常用短语

align withv. 与……结盟

aligns 常用句子

1.It's unclear how that aligns with the investment bank's objective of using compensation to "enhance the firm's culture of compliance."


2.This transformation approach is the most costly, and requires careful assessment to ensure the solution aligns with future requirements.


3.This, as you might expect, aligns the tabs along the left of the panel instead of the top by default, as shown in Figure 3.


4.This aligns well with recommendations from the Commission on Information and Accountability.


5.Kaiser also aligns incentives both to promote parsimony and to improve the quality, rather than merely the quantity, of the care it gives.


6.The resulting merged backups are available in the shortest possible restore time, which aligns with your SLAs and reduces application downtime.

由此产生的合并备份可以提供最短的可能还原时间,您可以使用您的SLA 对该备份进行调整,它减少了应用程序的停机时间。