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收录时间:2022-08-28 13:30:52


英 [spuːf]美 [spuːf]
  • n. 滑稽模仿;行骗;戏弄;讽刺性文章或节目
  • v. 滑稽地模仿;哄骗;戏弄;讽刺
[ 复数 spoofs 第三人称单数 spoofs 现在分词 spoofing 过去式 spoofed 过去分词 spoofed ]

spoof 常用句子

1.It has already spawned at least one spoof " let's be completely honest, "it opens.


2.To have a spoof of his movie gain overnight mass appeal was very unsatisfying to the senior director.


3.For example, if sci-fi movies are popular, try a different spin on a sci-fi movie such as making it a spoof or comedy.


4.He said the idea for the murder came from the spoof horror film Severance, which Clarke had watched.


5.Instead of the evening news, American 20-somethings watch "the Colbert Report", a spoof news show.

20多岁的美国人看的不是晚间新闻,而是“科尔伯特报告”(The Colbert Report),一档恶搞新闻秀。

6.Any competent hackers can spoof their IP address every time they visit the form, so they can easily subvert that simple security check.


7.As we mentioned, with messages sent on the Internet, it is easy to modify the From field and to spoof the identity of the sender.
