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收录时间:2022-08-28 11:56:31


英 ['æktə]美 ['æktə]
  • abbr. 学报;反假冒贸易协议(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement);促皮质素
  • n. (Acta)人名;(法)阿克塔

acta 常用句子

1.The research result is published in the paper "Research of Sand Carrying Capacity of Heavy Oil Considering Variable Mass Flow in Horizontal Wellbore" in Acta Petrolei Sinica.


2.Negotiations for ACTA begin today in Seoul, South Korea but have already been attacked for their highly secretive approach.

今天起,参与ACTA协议讨论的各国代表将在韩国首尔进行正式的会谈,不过会谈还没有召开,便 有人对ACTA会议过于保密的做法表示了批评。

3.The statistics and analysis of citations of the "Acta of Oceanologica Sinica" for the past three years (1992-1994) were made.


4.This emerging trend was reviewed in a paper in the journal Acta Astronautica.


5.Xu Xiaofeng, Sun Zhaobo. 2003. Dynamic study on influence of gravity wave induced by unbalanced flow on Meiyu front heavy rain [J]. Acta Meteor Sinica, 61 (6) : 655-664.

许小峰,孙照勃。2003。非地转平衡流激发的重力惯性波对梅雨锋暴雨影响的动力学研究[J]。气象学报,61 (6):655 - 664。

6.This is the web site for Acta Pharmacologica Sinica.


7.ACTA was expected to come into force by the end of last year, but talks are still ongoing.


8.This is the website of Acta Physiologica Sinica.
