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收录时间:2022-08-28 11:50:29


英 [ˌspɜːmɪˈsaɪdl]美 [ˌspɜːmɪˈsaɪdl]
  • adj. 杀精子的

spermicidal 常用句子

1.While I was digging around the web looking for more information on Monsanto, I stumbled across this page about spermicidal corn and population control. She cites the following two chilling articles ?


2.While I was digging around the web looking for more information on Monsanto, I stumbled across this page about spermicidal corn and population control. She cites the following two chilling articles ?


3.Objective: To study the effect of tea saponin in ameliorating nonoxynol (N-9) spermicidal action in vitro.

目的:观察茶皂素对壬苯醇醚(N 9)的杀精增效作用。

4.OBJECTIVE To observe the spermicidal effect of compound nonoxynol vaginal gel in vitro.
