首页 > I > interchanges怎么读,interchanges什么意思,interchanges短语和例句


收录时间:2022-08-28 10:38:03


英 美 
  • (指两人等)[计]交换
  • [计][遗]互换(interchange 的第三人称单数)
  • [计][遗]互换
  • 立体交叉道(interchange 的复数)

interchanges 常用短语

data interchange数据交换

information interchange信息交换

interchanges 常用句子

1.The Judge Harry Pregerson interchange is situated in Los Angeles, ca and is one of the most complicated interchanges in the country.

JudgeHarry Pregerson立交桥位于加州洛杉矶,是美国最复杂的立交桥之一。

2.TIFF is a standard file format commonly used for scanning, storage, and interchanges of gray-scale graphic images.


3.And when I come to the third atom, I have to correct for all the possible interchanges.


4.He often interchanges his black hat with his grey hat.


5.Films are a very important part of cultural interchanges. Therefore, the culture of the countries is becoming a major content to present in the films.


6.To optimize the navigation for the end user, minimize the number of request and response interchanges between the set-top box and the portal.
