北京商务英语学习,北京商务英语学习哪家好 - 【青云翻译网】

北京美联英语商务英语培训哪家好Lots of people feel entitled to comment on a woman's appearance -- especially if that woman happens to be taller than them.很多人觉得对女人的外表评头论足是理所应当的,如果这个女人还是个高个妹子的话,那就更应该要评一评。Just as skinny women are tired of being told to "eat a burger" or that they "look like a toothpick", and short women cringe when someone asks "what the weather's like down there," taller women are subject to giraffe jokes and questions about their femininity.就像瘦子已经厌倦了别人说“你应该去吃汉堡”或者“你瘦得像根牙签”;矮个子的女人不喜欢别人问她们“下面的空气是什么样的”,高个妹子也常常听到和长颈鹿有关的玩笑话,还有关于有没有女人味的质疑。We polled our Twitter followers on what you should never say to a tall woman -- and they delivered. Here are 16 of the worst offenders:该资料转载自美联英语——更多免费学习英语资料请访问网站英语免费学习|免费试听|学习资料下载http://www.enguo.com/sogou/shangwu.html?tid=104368 美联咨询:010-56214538
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