广州医学英语,广州英语培训机构 - 【青云翻译网】

广州美联英语培训机构怎么样THE CLOCK TEST: If you feel like he or she's been watching you, suddenly look at the clock then quickly look at him/her. If they're looking at the clock then it's because they were watching you and following your eyes is a natural reflex to a sudden change of movement.时钟测试:要是你感到他/她在看你,那就试试突然抬头看钟然后又转头看他/她。如果他/她也抬头看钟,说明他/她刚才确实在看你。要知道,跟着你的视线走是突然动作的最自然不过的反应了。Compliment him/her often. For things you actually like, the reasons why you like being his/her friend.多多地赞美他/她。实打实地告诉他/她你喜欢什么,告诉他/她你为什么喜欢跟他/她做朋友吧。美联咨询:010-56214538英语免费学习|免费试听|学习资料下载http://www.enguo.com/sogou/shangwu.html?tid=104368