深圳商务英语学习,深圳商务英语学习怎么样 - 【青云翻译网】

Molly:  How's it going?  怎么样了?  Gordon:  Same old Same old (so, so).  老样子。  Molly:  What are we going to learn today?  今天我们将学些什么呢?  Gordon:  This time we will learn about Paul McCartney from the Beatles, saying more than NO, a practice dialog, and some business English. Our guests can also test their understanding of what they have read in an interactive activity. Then we will learn the Englis  这次我们会了解披头士乐队中的歌手兼贝斯手McCartney,学习更多表示"NO"的用法,一段对话练习,和一些商务英语。你还可以与朋友一起,用我们的小测验,看一看学到了多少。然后,我们将学一首英文歌:Yesterday。  对话讲解:  How's it going?怎么样了?  用来询问对方状况  be going to 将要去做  I'm going to have a big meal tonight. 今晚我要吃顿好的。(编辑:何莹莹)