深圳美联英语价格,深圳美联英语的商务英语怎么样 - 【青云翻译网】

重庆美联英语商务英语学习好不好7. You'll also never see all the beautiful colors of a rainbow. 你永远不会看到彩虹上所有美丽的颜色。Everyday you are missing out on aspects of the universe simply because our bodies cannot process their wonders. How can we be supreme rulers of the world and have full domain over all other living beings when chickens can see more colors than we can?每天我们都在错过宇宙中的某些奇景,因为我们的身体无法处理这些景观。既然鸡都能比我们看到更多的颜色,我们又怎能自诩为世界的掌控者,万物的灵长呢?We need to rethink our place. Also rainbows are actually made up of more than 1 million colors, many of which we can't see either. We are missing out!我们需要重新思考自己在宇宙中的位置。不仅如此,实际上彩虹中有超过一百万种颜色,而这些颜色中也有很多我们看不见。我们错过的太多了!美联咨询:010-56214538英语免费学习|免费试听|学习资料下载http://www.enguo.com/sogou/shangwu.html?tid=104368