深圳中考英语,深圳在线英语培训哪家好?英语怎么样? - 【青云翻译网】

坏运气到了,倒霉的事情接二连三?中文里常说“最近有点儿背”,这句话英语怎么说?今天我们就用英语说说“背”。  1. Oh, I've had everything but the locusts.  哎,今天真是倒霉到家了。  2. It just wasn't my day yesterday.  昨天真背。  3. I got the short end of the stick.  我吃亏了。  4. Why should I be left holding the baby alone?  为什么苦差事都留给我一个人?  5. It's a real bummer to lose your job.  工作丢了,实在倒霉。  6. She's been down on her luck lately.  她最近一直有点儿背。  7. He really got it in the neck for not finishing the job on time.  没能按时完工,他真的遭殃了。  8. Oh, that is tough luck.  哦,真不走运。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~你不知道的事:深圳英语培训机构哪家好?http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_e8df2ef20102vkxg.html必克英语怎么样?http://www.douban.com/note/305021568/