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中国馆核心展区的球幕影院The Shanghai World Expo will stage more than 20,000 performances by Chinese and foreign artists during the 184-day event that starts May 1, an Expo spokesman said Monday.Some 17,300 performances of 807 shows, selected from more than 10,000 candidate programs worldwide, have been included in the Expo's program, Hu Jingjun, deputy head of the Expo Bureau's coordination department, said when releasing an initial event listing.The Expo Bureau expects the total number of performances to be more than 20,000 by the end of the expo, Hu said, meaning more than 100 performances on average will be given at the Expo park everyday.【相关中文报道】上海世博会5月、6月份文化演艺活动安排日前发布。其间的活动场次将超过2万场,全部免费向世博游客开放。据上海世博会事务协调局副局长胡劲军介绍,经过从上万个节目中层层“海选”,目前已有来自海内外的807个节目“走进”世博园区的文化演艺活动编排表,总场次为17288场。其中,上海世博局方面组织的节目数为24个,场次11621场;各参展方节目数为783个,场次为5667场。这意味着,184天世博会中,平均每天约有94场演出。据悉,一些演出将在世博会开幕后加进来,估算每天将会有100场以上。室内室外共32个场地,每天可容纳20万至22万名观众。据世博局官方最新数字,确认参展的192个国家和地区中,159个国家和地区申报了237个国家馆日文艺活动,为世博会历史最多。而沙特阿拉伯在近30年间从未参加世博的演出,但是今年上海世博会,沙特阿拉伯将30年来首次参演。点击进入沪江世博专题>> BEC商务英语【初级春季班】仅售306学币!详情请看>>>>BEC商务英语【中级春季班】仅售326学币!详情请看>>>>