北京全国商务英语一级,北京商务英语学习计划 - 【青云翻译网】

Melamine-tainted leftovers from the 2008 dairy scandal have been resold by five manufacturers, Chinese Health Minister Chen Zhu said at a national teleconference in Beijing on Saturday, Xinhua news agency reported.据新华社报道,上周六(2010年1月30日),在北京召开的全国电视电话会议上,中国卫生部部长陈竺称,有5家奶粉制造商又在经销08年乳制品丑闻事件中未销毁的含有三聚氰胺的有毒奶粉。Despite a crackdown by health agencies in 2009, at least five companies are believed to have resold products linked to the milk scandal which left six babies dead and 300,000 people sick.08年“毒奶粉事件”曾导致6名婴儿死亡,30万婴儿患病。09年,尽管卫生机构花了力气进行镇压,仍然有至少5家公司被查出在销售有毒奶粉。The minister urged a thorough investigation of the dairy market nationwide to cleanse the leftover products contaminated by melamine, an industrial chemical that leads to kidney stones and renal failure, especially among young children.卫生部长呼吁(有关部门)对含有三聚氰胺(一种能够引起肾结石和肾衰竭的工业化学品)的有毒食品进行一次全国范围内的彻底清剿。Lei Yulan, Deputy Chief of south China's Guangdong province who attended the emergency meeting in Beijing, confirmed on Monday that part of the recalled dairy products in 2008 had trickled back into the market, without offering further details on its quantity and range.中国广东省副主任雷于兰参加了这次在北京召开的紧急会议。他在周一指出,确有部分08年召回的乳制品流向了市场,但他没有进一步透露这批乳制品的数量和波及的范围。The health department in the province is working on a food safety campaign focusing on the dairy market.广东省的卫生部门正在筹划一次关于乳制品市场安全(监管)的运动。新春课程温暖上线,春季,和网校一起成长!价值上千元的课程,在沪江只要200元!快来体验最新潮、简便、高效的学习模式吧!★ 中级口译春季班:【点击这里报名】 ★ 高级口译春季班:【点击这里报名】 ★ BEC商务英语初级春季班:【点击这里报名】 ★ BEC商务英语中级春季班:【点击这里报名】 ·优惠措施:◆ 报名前100名送书,名额有限,先到先得!